tiistai 25. maaliskuuta 2014

Power of Words

 They say that words can cut deeper than blade.

Just imagine this for a second. Imagine how easily you can turn anything around with just a few words. It's not just that you can hurt people in the negative sense, you can also discourage them, you can create unwillingness to perform and or you can just simply make one cry. Just say something awful.

What else can you do with the power of words? Well, obviously the opposite: you can make one feel awesome, special, one of a kind. You can make this person feel amazing and loved. You can encourage and rally. You can push someone to their best performance just by offering kind words. How about that? Try it - I encourage you !  <3

Try it...

maanantai 24. maaliskuuta 2014

Shattered glass

Sometimes.... Sometimes it's really difficult to get over things. Especially love. I don't say this now in the same context as before. No. I say this because I don't think a lot of people are actually capable of letting go of love. I don't mean it as letting go of the person they love - That everyone seems to be pretty capable of. No. I mean letting go of love for the person you left or who left you. It's like walking on broken glass when you see him/her or think about this person and wonder... What could have gone different ? Is there anything I can do or anything I SHOULD do ?

I don't know what to do about it. Maybe just let it be; leave it as it is. Let the love exist. It's not going anywhere. All you can do is push it deeper inside so it'll not be in the way... Right?

sunnuntai 23. maaliskuuta 2014

Prejudices & Expectations

People.... Just don't do that.

If you form prejudices on ANYTHING; it might ruin the whole thing for you. It sort of partly happened to me with 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE. I went to see a movie about Spartans like the first one was. And then the whole movie was actually all about Athenians and even though it was good and true to the 300 style... I missed something. Something important. I WAS NOT IN THE MOVIE as I should have been - only and solely because of my stupid - I'm not sure if I should call it prejudice but still..... I expected Spartans. Action was there. Heroes were there. 

<3 I'm sorry movie. <3

So the lesson of the day is..... Don't HAVE EXPECTATIONS AND PREJUDICES. They ruin your life.

maanantai 17. maaliskuuta 2014

Stand by your choices

All the deadlines are met now... So FAR. I don't know if anyone reads this blog or if anyone does, then who... Kinda exciting in that sense. Either way I wanted to address this thing that I call sticking by your choices and opinions. If you make a choice; SAY you leave some one for example. STICK by it and don't make a hell out of that someone's life just because you think she doesn't have a heart. This same thing could be applied to so many other things.... 

You choose a team to support - STICK BY IT AND don't betray the moment they're having a bad time in the league. Obviously, I'm going to press the matter of sticking by your choices because it also gives you confidence. I mean for example I've chosen to get to Uni and to become a teacher or basically get into a profession that comes with English language. Also, I've decided to become an author. I proceed in pursuing these goals and sticking by my choices - CHOICES that I made LONG AGO.

Ah man.... This life can be so hard. Emotions are so painfully difficult to leave behind or to let go.


torstai 13. maaliskuuta 2014


My gosh.... Why is it so damn painful to see couples... to know someone is looking for a girlfriend; just knowing that whoever he is looking for is not you. Why is it so painful to leave the life I've lead; though inconsistently, behind? Why is it so damn difficult to get over one's ex and yet it seems to be so damn much more easier for your ex? WHY? WHY ME?

I feel like I'm in chains and in pain. Someone could come punch me unconscious and I might actually get amnesia and then I could applaud that someone as my friggin' hero. Too painful.... Maybe it is what keeps me from sleeping or getting anything done. I need to get a grip somehow... I used to have control. I used to be able to control my feelings to a point. I want that control back. I want the leash.

tiistai 11. maaliskuuta 2014


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Why is it so difficult to start reading to an exam ? Why is it so difficult to start working on your homework on time? Why? MORE things I do not understand. Procrastination. How can someone be so organized that it doesn't affect him or her ? I'd like to know the secret.

Some people claim it is easy.... Just schedule things and do them according to the schedule. I've tried. Really I've tried. I just cannot. If I schedule reading something and mark it in my calendar or something.... I will try to read but it just doesn't work. Either I get distracted OR I fall asleep on the book.  If anyone has any ideas on how to work on this; I'd like to hear. :)

sunnuntai 9. maaliskuuta 2014

New way of studying for an entrance exam ?

This is going to be an interesting experiment. I'm going to apply to universities... and I have plenty of entrance exams. Now here's the plan: I'm going to try to write a small summary or just anything about each chapter I read through. We'll see how it goes and if it stays better in my memory.

NEED THE FULL CAPACITY OF MY BRAIN to get through these bloody exams. :D How to harness it? That's the question. I need to start sleeping at the very least. Secondly, I should exercise and I should write.... definitely. Find something to link everything to.... I so hope to pass.

perjantai 7. maaliskuuta 2014


So, this is my argumentation for school task.... Thought I'd put it here as well. :) I keep disagreeing and agreeing with it in turn. Also, I was so exhausted whilst writing it that I wrote "Evolvement" instead of "Evolution". Gonna get some minus out of that one. :(

Idioms, idiotic or pure evolution of language?
By Taija Solin - EKO

Idioms are central to the English language and should be expected in lingual proficiency. Thus using idioms is not a wrongful or needless usage of words. In Jacqueline Ambrose's article Why idioms are important to English language, Ambrose decides on the closer definition of idiom with the help of New Webster's Dictionary (1993): "A construction or expression having a meaning different from the literal one or not according to the usual patterns of the language". Naturally, a lot of people would judge idioms by this definition as a needlessly difficult way of expressing a simple thing. An English friend of mine said this about idioms: "they're sort of there, but they don't serve that much of a function in the language". I disagree. Idioms serve multiple diverse functions in the language. Obviously, there are a lot of other ways of diverting language but idioms are uniquely situational and cultural. They root in the people and the country. Also, communicating effectively with idioms shows you have a certain understanding of the language.

Idioms communicate on another deeper level of understanding and according to Jacqueline Ambrose "They transmit information about the speaker that might not be obvious." In other words due to the unique nature of idioms, neither their function in the language nor their meaning is always obvious. Like who would call their car "a lemon" without knowing it for an idiom? It does tell you it is something "sour" but not exactly anything about a car. How is something easy a piece of cake? Where does it tell about the easy part?

“Idioms are not only great fun, they also cast fresh light on the less rational workings of the human mind,” the guardian opens up smoothly. Imagine how boring it would be to know everything for hundred percent certainty. Imagine what the world would be like. There would be no point in literature past just one book since you would know the ending before you started it. There would not be things like deviations, irony and sarcasm to brighten our gray Mondays.

Idioms are important and they provide richness to the use of any language. When you attend an entrance exam, on a line concerning the study of languages, it is the first thing they test; whether you know your idioms or not. It is considered part of knowing the language and the culture that the language has been built around. One could argue idioms are rather useless up to a point, considering you can say the same thing so that everyone undoubtedly understands, but where would be the fun in that?

“As well as being illogical, idioms are idiotic.” states the guardian’s article The idiotic joys of idioms. They are like hidden nonsensical riddles that you can solve only if you know the answer in advance or if the context gives it away. Why use them then? Why complicate things by uttering nonsensical phrases that provide no logical clue whatsoever as to their meaning? Because language evolves and grows. It needs new ways of capturing attention, new ways of saying things and especially new ways of communicating the cultural background of the language. Where language keeps changing and shifting, new forms of communication arise. Idioms are part of everything.  “Idioms are pervasive. They are used in formal and informal speech, conversation and writing and are part of standard speech in business, education and the media.” Ambrose explains. In addition to this, non-native people who intend on working in an English-speaking country will be expected to know certain amount of idioms.

“The main point is that idioms and other stock expressions aren't peripheral language oddities – they are central to how we communicate.”(the guardian, 2009). The article discusses idioms as a consequential part of our everyday language. In conclusion idioms improve our everyday communication, whether it is formal or informal, academic or personal. Surely all this reflecting gives us the opportunity to review and admit idioms’ unquestionable and versatile role in our language.


Well.... I've been having a longer pause now due to insomnia. I've not been able to sleep at nights and to be honest I've barely slept overall. It's safe to say I've been EXHAUSTED.

I want to make it up to you guys.... I managed to sleep a little last night so going to write today. I've had a very tiring week just now. Had a presentation to give and this argumentation to write for Thursday and all of this whilst struggling with my insomnia. I don't even know where it has come from. Am I stressed or something ? Maybe.

Usually I fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow; now it has been taking HOURS. I've fallen asleep at 7AM and woken up at around 8 or 9AM. There is definitely something wrong. I can feel it. I mean hey...... it's like 3.30AM :( and I'm still not sleeping.... *sighs deep* I just want to sleep. I'll write about something else later... Now I gotta play some. :3 Caitlyn is ....... Freakishly relaxing to play.